PC Liposomal Vitamin C-200 Capsules
PC Liposomal Vitamin C-200 Capsules
PC Liposomal Vitamin C-200 Capsules
PC Liposomal Vitamin C-200 Capsules

PC Liposomal Vitamin C-200 Capsules

Regular price $79.95 $49.95 Sale

PC LIPOSOMAL C- The most absorbable liposomal vitamin C formula in existence. 

I found this special formula of Liposomal Vitamin C to take myself after numerous guys were doing IV infusions at $500 vs $10 a week and found you obtained the same absorption with three pills of this stuff per day. Don't confuse this with the cheap stuff as it is nothing like this brand. I personally put it to the test after being exposed to six different people with colds, coughs and fevers at at several meetings literally wet speaking in my face. I thought I was doomed to get really ill and, i cant handle any compromise to my health. I took 2 capsules every 4 hours and escaped unscathed. The rest of the people close to me all got sick.  This, I never would have thought possible ever in my life. As a Cancer Survivor and Open heart surgery patient I can't take chances. Can you? This product is amazing. It just is.

Cancer-Killing Effect Achieved with Oral-Dose Vitamin C

In 2002-2013, a study was done by British researchers showing that cancer-killing effect can be achieved using liposomal vitamin C. Earlier on, the National Institute of Health Researchers claimed that it is not possible to do that since the maximum dose of vitamin C that we can orally take is not enough to produce this effect. Now, the researchers from Britain showed that they can achieve twice the level of vitamin C that were once thought to be maximal, and at this level of vitamin C in the blood concentration kills cancer cells but are not harmful to healthy cells.

Studies made showed that with twice the level of vitamin C that was mistaken to be the maximum, a decrease in various forms of cancer tumors from 30 to 50%. High dose ascorbate and its derivatives have the potential to deliver favourable and economical anticancer therapeutic opportunities that should be further explored. Due to their ready availability in nature, low toxicity, and low cost, ascorbic acid and its derivatives could become important therapeutic options in our battle against cancer. However, we will need to pursue conclusive answers on the clinical benefits of ascorbic acid in the treatment of cancer.

More power

The story of NewZealand dairy farmer Alan Smith, who recovered rapidly from double pneumonia and leukemia. Many online accounts make it seem as though only IV C led to his recovery. 

Yes, six grams of liposomal C did the work of 50 to 100 grams of IV C. He walked out of the hospital in days on his own power. 

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042593_liposomal_vitamin_C_mega-dose_alternative_cancer_treatment.html#ixzz4RtMHchd